Ten for Loki

We praise You, Lođur, Who blooded our souls, shaping the suppleness of our spirits.
We praise You, Liars’ Bane, spitting forth the gnawed upon truth that burns illusion away.
We praise You, Vé, God of the sacred enclosure, Holy fire, cleansing, breaking, breeding monsters to scour our world clean.
We praise You, Loptr, unwearying Sky-traveller, journeying forth, bringing initiation to the unexpected.
We praise You, Gammleið, Who consumes the body on the bier of victory, cremation’s fire, bringing the soul home.
We praise You, Inn Bundi Áss, Bound and fettered, heaving beneath the worlds, spitting venom, bound with the viscera of Your son.
We praise You, Inn Slægi Áss, cunning thief, stealing and restoring, burning with creative fire, libertine, free of every chain.
We praise You, Hveðrung, Roaring world breaker, destroyer of all, cleanse us free.
We praise You, Læva Lundr, Old spider in the Tree of deceit, weaving Your web, forcing our hand, demanding that we dance for glory.
We praise You, Ver Sigynjar, Husband of Sigyn, sacramental flame, protector of all who are fragile, broken, and small.

Oh Blazing Hearth-fire.
Oh Scarred lipped Glory.
Oh Inescapable Net.
Oh, ever and never Bound.
Oh Seeker of Heights.
Oh Bitter Edge.
Oh Sigyn’s Treasure.
Oh Ymir’s Bane.
Oh Brutal Destruction.
Oh Incandescent Rebirth.
Ever and always do Your people Praise You, Loki.


For a brilliant explication on these various heiti of Loki, I highly recommend this article here.

About ganglerisgrove

Galina Krasskova has been a Heathen priest since 1995. She holds a Masters in Religious Studies (2009), a Masters in Medieval Studies (2019), has done extensive graduate work in Classics including teaching Latin, Roman History, and Greek and Roman Literature for the better part of a decade, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Theology. She is the managing editor of Walking the Worlds journal and has written over thirty books on Heathenry and Polytheism including "A Modern Guide to Heathenry" and "He is Frenzy: Collected Writings about Odin." In addition to her religious work, she is an accomplished artist who has shown all over the world and she currently runs a prayer card project available at wyrdcuriosities.etsy.com.

Posted on March 20, 2016, in Heathenry, prayers, Uncategorized and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. New come to my life, unsure I am,
    Yet I praise you Sleipnir’s Dam.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much & for the link as well, i hadn’t seen that. What a wonderful Ostara blessing. Hail Loki, love of my life!


  3. Reblogged this on Owl Hill Farm and commented:
    If you don’t know why I’m sharing this, you have not been paying attention.


  4. https:/ravensonlinemoot.wordpress.com/2016/03/24/nine-for-loki


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