No one stopped them

One petite woman tried, I’ll give her that. These pieces of human excrement vandalized Stonehenge. May the ancient Gods of that land bless the woman who tried to stop them. The activists who are doing these climate change desecrations should be publicly executed. You don’t destroy art. You don’t destroy sacred places. Whatever legitimacy their cause had (not much I might add), it’s gone. They’ve attacked Da Vinci’s work, Van Gogh’s work, Degas’ work, public buildings, public gardens, the Lacaoon statue and more. At what point do people take them and beat them into a pulp? That art is worth more, those sites more valuable, more holy than all of these protestors combined. If the government won’t stop what they’re doing, then who will? I might add that cleaning Stonehenge is going to damage multiple lichen species that live on the stones. These fatherless cretins don’t care about the environment. They just want attention. I’d give it to them, right before I saw them legally executed (preferably Druid style) or at the very least locked up for the rest of their lives in a very dark, dank prison hole.

About ganglerisgrove

Galina Krasskova has been a Heathen priest since 1995. She holds a Masters in Religious Studies (2009), a Masters in Medieval Studies (2019), has done extensive graduate work in Classics including teaching Latin, Roman History, and Greek and Roman Literature for the better part of a decade, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Theology. She is the managing editor of Walking the Worlds journal and has written over thirty books on Heathenry and Polytheism including "A Modern Guide to Heathenry" and "He is Frenzy: Collected Writings about Odin." In addition to her religious work, she is an accomplished artist who has shown all over the world and she currently runs a prayer card project available at

Posted on June 19, 2024, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 30 Comments.

  1. This literally makes me rage. This bullshit, perfomative stunt deserves the harshest punishment possible. How dare they?

    Also, who the fuck claims to give a shit about the environment only to wreck a natural wonder and obliterate the plant species which depend on it to boot?

    Kill them all, and let the Gods sort it out.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ganglerisgrove

      I agree with you 110%. I don’t understand when they vandalize museums, why no one hurts them. This infuriates me beyond my ability to cogently express in words.


    • ganglerisgrove

      You have no idea how much I wait for the day something like this happens in my presence.


  2. It says a lot that these people aren’t vandalizing things that harm the environment or harassing the people responsible for it. They aren’t actually doing anything to hinder the corporations damaging the ecosystem. They’re tagging national monuments, destroying art, and desecrating holy sites. It’s performative bullshit intended to get views on social media. This kind of activity is for rudderless people who want to look like they’re doing something without actually taking any risk or putting in any real effort. Real activism doesn’t look like this.

    A while back there was some legislation in the works that would have made transporting any animal other than a dog, cat, or livestock across state lines a felony. It would have resulted in millions of people losing their pets and made access to veterinary care difficult or even impossible. So I and other people who keep non-traditional pets rallied together, wrote, called, and emailed our representatives. We got experts to speak publicly about how damaging it would be if that law was passed. It worked. The proposed law was rejected. That’s what actual grassroots activism looks like. That’s the kind of activism that works.

    What these people did is attention seeking blasphemy.

    Liked by 2 people

    • ganglerisgrove

      attention seeking blasphemy. Very well put. and you’re right on every count.


    • ganglerisgrove

      I also think it’s deeply deeply anti-western culture.


      • A lot of people seem to think that to make the world a better place we have to tear down everything that came before. Which is nonsense. If we tear down everything about our past, we have no foundation to build on toward that better future. Sure, there’s a lot of troubling stuff from the past that should be discarded, but there is so much more that should be preserved. Burning it all down might be cathartic for those who have been wronged by the current system, but it would leave us with only ashes.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Who the flying fuck do these people think they are helping? Now they’re attacking our holy sites? If any one of these people claimed to be Pagan they deserved to be shamed publicly and then blood-eagled. Every single one of these people needs to be rounded up and flogged until the ground can’t take another drop of their blood. I can’t even fathom the depth of stupidity one has to possess to think that this is how we are to save the earth. What kind of earth do these people want us to live on if this is how they plan on “defending” it? This is nothing but a strange ecologically flavored species of nihilism

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I shudder to think of the likelihood that there are people that claim to worship our Gods in these groups. There’s no way there aren’t. If there are, I pray they leave these groups immediately and call out this behavior. I have to reiterate that any single person in our community that supports this needs to be punished. NEEDS to be.


  5. ganglerisgrove

    Ryan, they have no idea with what they’re going to replace it. That’s what this is all about: destruction and divisiveness. These high grade morons think they’ll make some leftist utopia without ever realizing that they’d be the first against the wall. The people that will take advantage of that chaos and destruction have a plan and it’s not one that any of us want.

    We all need to spend more time honoring our Gods, honoring our ancestors, and building up our communities and tribes. Anyone who would even contemplate destroying art…that’s not a human being. that’s someone in the grip knowingly or unknowingly of something very evil. My only remedy to that (as much as I’d like to feed these fools my fist) is prayer. prayer and building up my own House.


  6. ganglerisgrove

    Guason, that’s actually revolting and deeply religiously incoherent. I think it’s wrong to claim the Gods hold any political position — it’s deceptively dishonest. I may detest communism and find it completely incompatible with religion (which it is, if you actually read communist texts. communism and marxism and socialism — all a spectrum as far as I’m concerned are too totalizing a series of systems to allow for religion) but to project my disgust onto the Gods would be wrong. I would not say that God X is or is not [political position x] because it’s just unethical. The Gods may well involve Themselves in politics on any side They want. I don’t think that’s our call to make and I would hold with Rowan Williams in saying that to use the Gods for one’s politics is deeply flawed.

    I will say I think politics of that sort are human things and question why we need to drag the Gods down into our own shit. Can these communists not make a coherent argument without doing that?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. This actually makes me feel sick. They are terrorists, not activists. My husband just asked why aren’t they attacking gas stations or oil refineries? Their stunt has actually caused more environmental damage. This should be treated, by police, the same way as if they had attacked a church, mosque, or synagogue.

    And to further Guason’s point – I have seen many claim that the gods take an extreme left wing stance, or that if you don’t do X or Y, then you aren’t following Ma’at. So many people have such a binary way of thinking. “If you aren’t as far left as me then you must be a far right N*zi” or “if you aren’t conservative then you must be some crusty lefty liberal hippie”. There is no room for centrists, there is no room for balance. Gods help us all.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. ganglerisgrove

    Note they did this on the even of the solstice.


  9. ganglerisgrove

    I would also like to suggest that their next target be in TX. I suspect the results will be somewhat different. ^______^. Seriously, pull this shit at the Alamo, or at one of the museums in Dallas. Go ahead. I dare you.


    • Sadly, there’s a lot of minor graffiti on the Alamo 😦


      • ganglerisgrove

        minor graffiti is one thing — one does that while trying to remain unseen. these fools make a spectacle of themselves.


      • ganglerisgrove

        and I don’t get why someone would desecrate something like this. obviously, I have VERY strong feelings on this. Yeah, we have graffiti from the ancient world too and I dont’ get it. What is it when we see something beautiful or historical that our first impulse is destruction. there’s something missing from people like that. There’s a meme I see someone’s that has this guy saying “stop it. Get some help.” that’s kind of how I feel on this.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Texas Has assholes like this. A guy upset at his girl, broke into the Dallas Museum of Art and went on a rampage destroying art, including Greek art from 5th C BCE depicting our Gods.

      He was arrested after the fact. If you had visions of Texas justice being frontier Wild West justice, you’d be wrong.


      • ganglerisgrove

        Arrested? He should have been shot. repeatedly. and then his body should have been strung up outside the museum and allowed to rot to nothing as a warning to other unhinged assholes. Art is sacred. desecrating it should bring a death sentence.

        I mentioned TX bc it has decent gun laws. I could just have easily said Montana or VT (for all its BS it used to have very good 2A laws).


  10. Sites like this belong to all of us. It’s more than our history, it holds a piece of our collective soul (for lack of a better word).

    Climate change us a big concern, protest government offices, protest government officials, destroying artworks, historic places, sacred sites is an abomination.

    Liked by 1 person

    • that should be a period before the word destroying.


      • ganglerisgrove

        I should also add that I don’t think this has anything to do with actually giving a shit about the environment. I think it’s about attention and the destruction of western culture. I also value a single painting more than all of these fools put together. This group started by targeting Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers.”, then Degas’s statue of a ballerina, then Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa,” then another impressionist painting. Oh, and the Lacaoon statue (but the Italians who did that one couldn’t bear to damage the statue so they glued their hands to the base). I’m not sure why other museum goers didn’t beat them to a pulp but they’ve apparently progressed to UNESCO sites. But only ones in Europe. Let’s not actually go after corporations. Let’s not go after China or India — biggest consumers of fossil fuels. Let’s not go after celebrities with their private jets. let’s just destroy beauty wherever it’s found.

        Liked by 1 person

    • ganglerisgrove

      These people are terrorists. They should be treated as such and I’m not sure if the UK has anything like hate crime laws, but if they did, I’d arrest these fuckers, not just for desecrating a historical site (there are special laws for that), eco-terrorism, but also for hate crime. After all, this was done mere days before the solstice and Pagans and Polytheists of all traditions celebrate there. I’d tack on a religious hate crime charge.

      I also sincerely hope the incoming gov’t does NOT sign anything that could be viewed as negotiating with these terrorists. (They’re pushing for the gov’t to sign legally binding documents transitioning out of using any fossil fuels).

      I think ALL of these “stop Oil” activists should be arrested as terrorists. What I really think, I can’t post on WordPress. but let’s just say I sincerely wish their next target would be in TX. I like TX. good gun laws.


  11. This pointless stunt enraged me. I adore Stonehenge, it’s a lifelong dream of mine to visit, I have ancestors from this area — and to see these degenerate wastes of space desecrate it like this? I wish I had been there to help protect this sacred place. I’m all of 5 feet tall, but you can bet I’d have joined the other petite woman in protecting this holy site.

    Enough is absolutely enough. These people need to be fined and jailed to the furthest extent of the law and their farce of an organization disbanded (and until then, given terrorist status).

    These sacks of human waste have made it that much more difficult for people who love this place to visit and commune with the sacred in a meaningful way. My heart is broken, but my tears are those of rage.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ganglerisgrove

      Thanks to acts like this, there are several places that are now closed to foreigners and/or photographers (Sedlec ossuary bc people were disrespectful of the dead; Kyoto’s historic street because people were disrespectful of the living). how long until sites close because of this? The Louvre, iirc, has already removed the Mona Lisa from view specifically because of this trash. They do this because they know they can. If bystanders were to start bashing them in their fucking faces and breaking bones they’d soon stop. They’re getting the results they want now: publicity and attention. Instead, they should be beaten, arrested, and thrown in a garbage heap (or at least a dank hole for the rest of their lives) with no media coverage and no way of expressing their narcissism.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. This is horrible and disgusting, and worse they get away with it. They are anonymous, a bunch of people we don’t know most of the time. (I know there were a few who were recognized, and nothing much happened to them, so sad!). To single them out could work. Every single person who join activity like this should be photographed and face posted for everyone to see for very long time. Each should be punished separately. Every individual to have a record of a vandal for the life and financial responsibility for damage done, debt and payments to live with. Also, because this happens all over world, it should be treated as international organized crime, not just something happening here and there.

    So sad.


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