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Bookversary! Feeding the Flame: A Devotional to Loki and His Family

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Originally released on April 28, 2008.

“Feeding the Flame” is a devotional anthology of prayers, poems, rituals, and more gathered from around the world in the honor of Loki and His family. In this book, readers will find not only Loki and Sigyn, but also Angurboda, Odin, Glut and all of Loki’s children equally honored. It is a celebration of devotional consciousness and an offering of love to a very complex family of Gods.

The book has been retired, and thus is out of print under this title, only available on the second hand market. Might I suggest you look to my omnibus devotional on Loki and his family, Consuming Flame. It includes the texts of “Feeding the Flame,” “Honoring Sigyn,” and “Sigyn: Our Lady of the Staying Power” with a significant portion of new material venerating Loki, Sigyn, Angurboda, and Their Children.

Buy Consuming Flame on Amazon

The OOP Feeding the Flame on Amazon

A Feast-Day For Loki

For decades now, my Household has marked April 1 as a feast-day for Loki. We didn’t come up with this idea — it was filtering through the Heathen community (the parts that that rightfully venerated Loki) by 2000. Nor is this His only feast day. It is however, lovely day to celebrate Him.

Ten for Loki

 We praise You, Lođur, Who blooded our souls, shaping the suppleness of our spirits.
We praise You, Liars’ Bane, spitting forth the gnawed upon truth that burns illusion away.
We praise You, Vé, God of the sacred enclosure, Holy fire, cleansing, breaking, breeding monsters to scour our world clean.
We praise You, Loptr, unwearying Sky-traveller, journeying forth, bringing initiation to the unexpected.
We praise You, Gammleið, Who consumes the body on the bier of victory, cremation’s fire, bringing the soul home.
We praise You, Inn Bundi Áss, Bound and fettered, heaving beneath the worlds, spitting venom, bound with the viscera of Your son.
We praise You, Inn Slægi Ás, cunning thief, stealing and restoring, burning with creative fire, libertine, free of every chain.
We praise You, Hveðrung, Roaring world breaker, destroyer of all, cleanse us free.
We praise You, Læva Lundr, Old spider in the Tree of deceit, weaving Your web, forcing our hand, demanding that we dance for glory.
We praise You, Ver Sigynjar, Husband of Sigyn, sacramental flame, protector of all who are fragile, broken, and small.


Oh Blazing Hearth-fire.
Oh Scarred lipped Glory.
Oh Inescapable Net.
Oh, ever and never Bound.
Oh Seeker of Heights.
Oh Bitter Edge.
Oh Sigyn’s Treasure.
Oh Ymir’s Bane.
Oh Brutal Destruction.
Oh Incandescent Rebirth.
Ever and always do Your people Praise You, Loki.

(Copyright Galina Krasskova) 

Loki by Arthur Rackham

Yuletide Shopping Guide 2023 – Part Seven

I created the Yuletide Shopping Guide in part because Yule is one of my favorite times of year. On this last entry, I wanted to shamelessly spotlight my own books for your consideration, especially since one of my publishers, Red Wheel Weiser, is running a 30% Off Sale.

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Red Wheel Weiser Books

If you haven’t picked up my books “A Modern Guide to Heathenry: Lore, Celebrations, and Mysteries of the Northern Traditions,” “Living Runes: Theory and Practice” and/or Northern Tradition for the Solitary Practitioner now is the perfect time! Click on the link and use code RWW30 at checkout (offer good for a limited time). You can currently enjoy 30% OFF direct from the publisher’s website: Please note that this deal only applies for orders being shipped for delivery to the United States.

As a reminder, my book A Modern Guide to Heathenry (2019) takes what I created in Exploring the Northern Tradition: A Guide to the Gods, Lore, Rites, and Celebrations from the Norse, German, and Anglo-Saxon Traditions (2005) as a foundation and significantly expands upon it with more than 70,000 words of new material especially on devotional work, honoring the ancestors, and theological exegesis. It’s basically twice the word heft of its predecessor! Living RunesTheory & Practice, however is a re-publication under a new title of my earlier work Runes: Theory and Practice book.

Other Assorted Books

Amazon will have the most comprehensive selection of my written works, including a number of devotionals and novenas.

Among my books, which ones do you most love? Share your thoughts in the comments.

Bookversary! Heart on Fire: A Novena for Loki

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Originally released on September 10, 2020.

The God of fire, water, and everything in between. The God Who refuses to stay silent. The Trickster without Whom the lore would be far more boring. The Power Who challenges everyone, even the other Gods Themselves. Nine days of special devotion for Loki, including ritual suggestions, original prayers, a list of His sacred names, dedicated divination systems, and more.

A Follow Up to My ROC Interview

Last month, I was interviewed by ROC Metaphysical and y’all can watch that interview here (Note to self: do not sit in a rocking chair when doing a video-interview lol. every so often, you’ll see me rocking).

This month, ROC Metaphysical was kind enough to share one of my articles on Loki and the creation of humanity. You may read that here. The interview is actually linked at the bottom of that page too.

Should you be interested in doing this type of interview with me, feel free to contact me via the contact form at the top of this page.

Should you have questions or comments about Loki, the creation of humanity, our creation narrative writ large, feel free to post in the comments section.

Here is a picture of Loki by Arthur Rackham. I love the momentum in it.

Day 22 – For Loki

Today I want to share a photo of my Loki and Sigyn Shrine. (Thor also sometimes has a part of this shrine for Himself too — I think this is ok because Thor and Loki are constant traveling companions. This photo is from 2017 though, so I haven’t yet added things for Thor. Now, there’s an icon of Him above the Loki, Sigyn, Narvi and Vali image that you can see here — that art is by G. Palmer and belonged to my mom. There’s also my representation of Mjolnir and also a carved image of Thor, again, things I added more recently. Obviously, I clean and redo shrines regularly, usually quarterly). I’m right at the point of needing to redo this shrine yet again — offerings accrue, it gets messy, I add things. When I do, I’ll post a newer pic. What do your shrines look like, if you’re moved to share? Feel free to post links in the comments or send me images at krasskova at and if I get enough of them, I’ll do a whole post sharing them.

The Loki icon is an oil painting by W. McMillan. The small (and crooked *sigh*. I have since straightened it out!) Sigyn image is something I picked up at a market in Krakow. The faceless Loki and Sigyn on the shrine itself is something I bought over 20 years ago and unfortunately, I no longer remember the artist’s name. I do highly recommend this sculptor on Etsy: GodGoddessArt. The artist is just delightful to deal with and her sculptures are beautiful. They’re faceless which I wasn’t sure I’d like, but they’re remarkably powerful statues and I have a number of them on various shrines. Something about the facelessness, allows them to be even more powerful spirit-houses for the God or Goddess in question. The artist offers a whole range, including — for my Hellenic polytheistic friends — the nine muses.

The shrine cloth pictured here, with the purple, black, blue, and yellow check is one of the first I ever had. it’s thirty years old and falling apart. I’ve used part of it in my spirit work medicine blanket, bits are still used as a shrine cloth, some of it got worked into my shaman coat. It’s my absolutely favorite cloth and if anyone knows where I can find more of this fabric pattern, please please let me know. I’d be very grateful.

Day 21 -For Loki

I also love E. Vongvisith’s work and if you have a devotion to Loki, I highly recommend seeking it out on amazon or at asphodel press.

Day 17 – For Loki on His Feast Day

This is my mom’s prayer to Loki. May she be praised always.

I love You powerful, and I love You powerless.
I love You young as flame, and I love You
decrepit as the dying ember.
I love You in Your greatness, and I love You
in Your meanness.
I love You in Your beauty, and I love You
in Your hideousness.
I love You changing, and I love You changeless.
I love the force that drives You, and I will love
You if You lose it.
I love You famous; and I love You unknown.
I love You kind, and I love You cruel.
I love You sane, and I love You mad.
Because I love You, show me how to love You.

(by Fuensanta Arismendi Plaza)

Rackham’s “Loki and the Rhine Maidens” (cropped)

Day 15 – For Loki

I’ve made incenses for years as part of my ritual practice. I avoid buying them in general (except for stick incenses — I don’t make stick incense). Once every quarter, on a good pain day, I”ll lay out all my recipes and will get to work for a couple of hours. by the end of it, I have enough jars of homemade incense to last the season. 

This is one of the simpler recipes that I give to Loki. 

equal parts: cinnamon, allspice, frankincense (these three by themselves are an excellent money drawing recipe, btw), dragons blood

half part: spikenard, master of the wood (betony), alder (wood or leaf), cherry (I soak cherries in a really, really good port, and then let them dry, spreading them on parchment on a cookie sheet, in the oven at 200F for five-six hours and then letting them cool), chicory, clove

1/4 part mullein, hot paprika or cayenne pepper (I prefer paprika), vanilla powder

pinch of mistletoe, pinch of mint, pinch of saffron

oils: 7 drops Solomon seal oil; 7 drops galangal oil

1 bay leaf

adjust as desired. sometimes I add a few drops of rose oil.

​Grind it all up in a mortar and pestle or spice grinder. you want a nice powder that you can burn over self-lighting charcoal.

Wear latex or nitril gloves before handling peppers if you’re grinding them fresh and be careful with the cayenne.

Traditional red hungarian paprika for sale

Day 14 – For Loki

We praise the best-born Son of Jotunheim,
Sigyn’s Secret Sweetness.
We praise this God who gnaws on courage,
spitting forth truth 
though some may call Him Father of Lies. 
We praise the Flame-haired Sky-Treader,
with His brilliant mind and cunning tongue, 
and that wit – most wondrous of weapons. 
We praise His tenderness, and His kindness,
He who turned female to bear Svadilfari’s son-
Sleipnir, the best of Horses.
We praise His passion, His love, His commitment.
Most of all we praise Him, Loki, for Himself alone.

May You be hailed in all Your magnificence, 
with all of our joy, on this day and each day forward.

(by G. Krasskova)