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No one stopped them

One petite woman tried, I’ll give her that. These pieces of human excrement vandalized Stonehenge. May the ancient Gods of that land bless the woman who tried to stop them. The activists who are doing these climate change desecrations should be publicly executed. You don’t destroy art. You don’t destroy sacred places. Whatever legitimacy their cause had (not much I might add), it’s gone. They’ve attacked Da Vinci’s work, Van Gogh’s work, Degas’ work, public buildings, public gardens, the Lacaoon statue and more. At what point do people take them and beat them into a pulp? That art is worth more, those sites more valuable, more holy than all of these protestors combined. If the government won’t stop what they’re doing, then who will? I might add that cleaning Stonehenge is going to damage multiple lichen species that live on the stones. These fatherless cretins don’t care about the environment. They just want attention. I’d give it to them, right before I saw them legally executed (preferably Druid style) or at the very least locked up for the rest of their lives in a very dark, dank prison hole.