Heartbreaking: Notre Dame in Flames

I am heartbroken about Notre Dame. As we were going into class tonight we learned about the fire. I believe it’s been put out by now, but the damage is horrendous. At least, from what I heard earlier, the relics and statuary were removed days ago because of the renovation being done. This church is a work of art, a treasure, beyond price. How much has been lost of that legacy that we will never recover? It’s just sickening. Apparently the fire was due to the renovation, a potential problem with renovating very, very old structures. 

notre dame window

About ganglerisgrove

Galina Krasskova has been a Heathen priest since 1995. She holds a Masters in Religious Studies (2009), a Masters in Medieval Studies (2019), has done extensive graduate work in Classics including teaching Latin, Roman History, and Greek and Roman Literature for the better part of a decade, and is currently pursuing a PhD in Theology. She is the managing editor of Walking the Worlds journal and has written over thirty books on Heathenry and Polytheism including "A Modern Guide to Heathenry" and "He is Frenzy: Collected Writings about Odin." In addition to her religious work, she is an accomplished artist who has shown all over the world and she currently runs a prayer card project available at wyrdcuriosities.etsy.com.

Posted on April 15, 2019, in Art, marian matters, Uncategorized and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. Literary Remains

    Very sad indeed to see something so beautiful suffer so much damage. I really do hope that this amazing gem of history and architecture can be restored.


  2. Very sad indeed.


  3. The spiritual loss to millions is unfathomable.


  4. 900 other churches in France suffered “Accidents” as well, within the past year. But there was no press coverage…no multi-million dollar donations by celebrities for restoration.


  5. dharma19881988

    The loss of artistic masterpieces which were housed in the Church was indeed priceless! I would personally preferred a Grand temple for Jupiter in the place of the Church, more so since more and more Europeans are returning back to Pagan pre-Christian religions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ganglerisgrove

      Mary deserves Her veneration. There is no other Deity that has allowed Her image to be used by so many indigenous Goddesses so that They might receive continued veneration. I think to destroy a house of worship is an evil thing on top of the loss of the art.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I belong to a group on Facebook of people who were rejoicing at this and it made me feel sick. Despite being a polytheist, I venerate Mary and all of my direct ancestors for generations are Catholic. Though we may not be French, this is our culture and it is a loss for humanity.
