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Bookversary: Skalded Apples

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Today is the ten year bookversary of the release of my devotional to the Norse Goddess Idunna and the Norse God Bragi.

Idunna and Bragi are two of the best beloved and most fascinating figures within Norse cosmology. In them, we have a Goddess of renewal and a God of creativity and artistic expression, two Deities beloved by folk of the Northern Traditions the world over. The blessings of Idunna and Bragi unite the conflicting worlds, tribes, and politics of the other Gods, just as this anthology unites devotional perspectives from across the globe in honor of this divine couple. Skalded Apples is a collection of prayers and poems, articles, rituals, and recipes lovingly collected from polytheists of every stripe who have in some way, been touched by this divine couple. Their blessings are many, and rooted not only in the spiritually sublime, but most of all – perhaps even best of all – in the everyday grace-notes of Midgard.

The book is currently out of print, you can find it through resellers sometimes on amazon, halfpricebooks, abebooks, etc.

I am currently working on a new work for Idunna, a novena.

Bookversary: Skalded Apples

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Today is the ten year bookversary of the release of my devotional to the Norse Goddess Idunna and the Norse God Bragi.

Idunna and Bragi are two of the best beloved and most fascinating figures within Norse cosmology. In them, we have a Goddess of renewal and a God of creativity and artistic expression, two Deities beloved by folk of the Northern Traditions the world over. The blessings of Idunna and Bragi unite the conflicting worlds, tribes, and politics of the other Gods, just as this anthology unites devotional perspectives from across the globe in honor of this divine couple. Skalded Apples is a collection of prayers and poems, articles, rituals, and recipes lovingly collected from polytheists of every stripe who have in some way, been touched by this divine couple. Their blessings are many, and rooted not only in the spiritually sublime, but most of all – perhaps even best of all – in the everyday grace-notes of Midgard.

The book is currently out of print, you can find it through resellers sometimes on amazon, halfpricebooks, abebooks, etc.


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I have several book titles that have now been retired, this means they are officially out of print, and any product at retailers is being sold from any remaining inventory they have, or they are re-selling used product. If you want these books, and do not have them, you better pick them up them sooner, rather than later.




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In the case of both Whisperings of Woden and Walking Toward Yggdrasil, this content is also included with additional material in my book He is Frenzy: Collected Writings on Odin, however the German language content of Walking Toward Yggdrasil is not present in any other form.

Root, Stone and Bone, as well as Sigdrifa’s Prayer will be re-printed in a new edition.

[Updated for clarity] Excerpts of content from the other retired books may eventually be seen in other works, but if you want to enjoy the retired works’ complete content, these out of print books will be the only way to grab them.